Front-of-package labels have reached Congress with the introduction of the TRUTH in Labeling Act by Senator Richard Blumenthal and Representative Jan Schakowsky. This proposed act would require the FDA to create new labels highlighting added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat on food and beverage packaging within three years. Supported by 75% of Americans, the TRUTH Act (S.3512) aims to help consumers make informed choices amid rising intake levels of these ingredients, which can lead to health issues like hypertension and diabetes. The act proposes a color-coded system for quick information access, benefiting busy shoppers and those with limited nutritional knowledge, while still requiring the Nutrition Facts Panel on the back. (4)

The TRUTH Act (S.3512) aims to help Americans make informed dietary choices by addressing the overconsumption of added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat, which increases the risk of health issues like hypertension and heart disease. It proposes a color-coded front-of-package labeling system to help consumers quickly identify important nutritional information, particularly benefiting busy shoppers and those with limited nutritional knowledge. The existing Nutrition Facts Panel will still be required on the back of packages.

The bill includes a section requiring the Secretary to report to Congress within five years on the prevalence of low- or no-calorie sweeteners (like stevia and monk fruit) in the US food supply due to TRUTH packaging changes. It also mandates monitoring these sweeteners if their use increases. However, there is no reporting requirement for saturated fats or sodium.

The TRUTH Act will challenge food and beverage manufacturers, requiring packaging changes and potentially reformulating products to avoid negative labels. Icon Foods offers sweeteners and systems to help brands reduce added sugar.

Contact us for formulation assistance and resources.


  • Hazen, Cindy. “Proposed Front-of-Package Nutritional Label Legislation Calls for Monitoring Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners.” Food Beverage Insider, 14 Dec. 2023,
  • “S.3512 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): TRUTH in Labeling Act.”, Library of Congress, 13 December 2023,
  • “TRUTH in Labeling Act of 2023 Fact Sheet.” Center for Science in the Public Interest. Center for Science in the Public Interest. 15 December 2023. Web. 24 Jan 2024.
  • “Widespread Support for Mandatory Front-of-Package Labeling in the United States.” Center for Science in the Public Interest. Center for Science in the Public Interest. 5 April 2023. Web. 24 Jan 2024.

Thom King

Thom King's academic background and extensive experience in clean label sugar reduction significantly contribute to his expertise in this field. With over twenty years of hands-on experience in the industry, King has worked on various projects related to sugar reduction and clean label initiatives. This practical exposure allows him to understand the challenges and nuances of reformulating products to reduce sugar content while maintaining taste and consumer appeal.