Too much of anything can, and usually will, lead you down the wrong path. But just the right amount of fiber can make all of the difference. That’s why FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber has become such an important, go-to sugar replacement. This powdered prebiotic fiber is a mixture of oligo- and polysaccharides composed of fructose moieties joined by beta (2–>1) linkages in linear chains. Its composition and flavor profile allows sugar to be cut by 25%, making it the ideal sweetener to help control blood pressure and craft products with a wide range of consumers in mind.

Adding to the positives of FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber, since it’s derived without the use of chemicals, the all-important clean label claim can be used effectively. Additional attributes include being non-GMO as well as kosher, opening up client and consumer doors and formulating options.

Versatility also plays a major part in the use of FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber. Taking the role of a sweetness modulator, it can complement high intensity sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit. When they come together, this blend creates a sweetening solution that offers a smooth neutral flavor profile that can be used as a plug-and-play replacement for sugar.

Quick Facts

  • Reduces detrimental carbs
  • Increases soluble fiber on the Nutritional Facts Panel
  • Provides functional benefits to the food or beverage developer

FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber is harvested from the resistant dextrin strain of the cassava root. Our process includes using a simple enzymatic step to break down the starch in the tapioca into a prebiotic fiber. This step allows FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber to easily be a sweetener in a keto-friendly diet.

The Prebiotics of FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber