Reducing Added Sugars with ThauSweet DRM in Your Formulas

When it comes to threading the needle of clean label sugar reduction in the alchemic world of industrial baking, there are certain challenges that can make it difficult to achieve a palatable finished product that is delicious enough to counter its full-sugar rivals. Sugar is an essential ingredient in the successful formulation of baked goods and snacks. Rising consumer demand for clean label, low-sugar products has left formulators scrambling for solutions — don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!

Have you considered diving into the world of positive allosteric modulation to optimize sweetness while cleaning up your nutritional facts panel? That’s precisely what ThauSweet DRM offers. This unique blend builds its foundation upon thaumatin— a novel protein-based sweetening compound extracted from the katemfe fruit found in West Africa. When combined with Reb M stevia leaf extract and cassava root fiber, this powerhouse solution will revolutionize the way you approach your baked goods formulas. By pairing sugar with ThauSweet DRM, you can cut down on added sugar while maintaining the perfect level of sweetness in every bite.

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