The Sweetest Thing
Fructevia offers a mouthfeel and flavor profile identical to sugar with a fraction of the calories … featured in the June issue of Beverage Industry.
Fructevia offers a mouthfeel and flavor profile identical to sugar with a fraction of the calories … featured in the June issue of Beverage Industry.
From Food Processing ( Sugar has never been such a public enemy. Blamed for obesity, contributing to heart disease, diabetes and other health threats, sugar is the cause of additional taxes on sodas, is what consumers are trying to eliminate Read more…
SteviaSweet 96-60 Liquid Stevia Press CoverageIn the ongoing drive to reduce the use of sugars and artificial sweeteners in food and beverage products, natural sweeteners continue to gain in popularity and consumer acceptance Steviva Ingredients announces SteviaSweet 95-60 Liquid Stevia Read more…
Steviva Ingredients Featured in article entitled – Ingredient Innovations Evolve 2014 IFT Overview: Exhibiting at the expo for the first time, Steviva, Portland, Ore. (, walked attendees through its range of naturally derived sweeteners. One such ingredient, Nectevia, functions as Read more…
When it comes to the increasingly popular, all-natural, high intensity sweeteners based on extracts from the stevia plant (Stevia rebaudiana), suppliers are differentiating by sourcing, processing methods and composition. All of this affects the stevia ingredient’s taste of sweet and Read more…
Sweeten Up with Natural Alternatives:New FDA regulations will highlight added sugar content on the labels of food and beverages where it can’t be ignored or buried in ingredients lists.Suppliers are responding with sugar substitutes that sweeten the pot in both Read more…
When a natural positioning is desired, many formulators are looking to stevia-based sweeteners for assistance. But Thom King, president of Steviva Ingredients, Portland, Ore., said there are many stevia products in the marketplace and they are quite different. “Their only Read more…
“The hot button seem to be consistently driven toward sugar reduction and diabetic-safe sweeteners,” explained Thom King, president of Steviva Ingredients. “However, a fast-growing segment is demanding clean labels, so all natural is growing leaps and bounds.” Natural Product Insider Read more…
Consumers look for natural sweeteners that don’t compromise on taste. Steviva Ingredients is positioned to capture this emerging market. Beverage Industry On-Line
Customizing All-Natural Sweeteners Now Possible With Specially Fabricated Machinery – announcement:Like spices or flavors, each sweetener imparts its own taste and functional properties, and incorporating them into product applications can be tricky, said Thom King, president of Steviva Ingredients.