FibRefine P90 Soluble Tapioca Fiber

FibRefine P90 Resistant Dextrin Tapioca Fiber is a soluble prebiotic dietary fiber that can replace many of the functional properties of sugar, offering a real option to reduce sugar, increase fiber and achieve caloric reduction.

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    Baked Goods

    Water-soluble, low viscosity, process stable and clear in solution, FibRefine P90 simplifies fiber fortification in breads, muffins and more. Reduce sugar by as much as 25% in low-calorie bakery and snack products.


    The ideal drop-in solution for many beverage applications, FibRefine P90 helps reduce sugar, calories and improves mouthfeel. A great go-to option to boost fiber in protein-rich beverages, shakes and smoothies.

    Dairy & Dairy Alternatives

    Maintains its stability and fiber content under all processing, culturing, fermenting and packaging conditions. Significantly improves the flavor, mouthfeel and sweetness of dairy foods. Can increase calcium absorption.


    FibRefine P90 can be used in numerous applications for binding, bulking, texture improvement and of course, sugar reduction.

    • A low glycemic, heat stable, non-GMO, gluten free, grain free alternative to soluble corn fiber.
    • Add to bars, beverages, condiments, dairy and dairy alternatives, frozen desserts, meal replacers, pasta, sauces and more as an excellent flavor optimizer and fat emulator to enhance mouth feel.Masks and mutes off notes (including those from high intensity sweeteners)
    • Holds in moisture, reduces water activity and increases shelf life.
    • Functions as a prebiotic fiber (particularly when combined with Prebiotica FOS).


    Diverse Global Supply Chain Reliability

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